Vianni + Jesse - The Wedding - El Conquistador Resort on the farthest most East point of Puerto Rico.
I can't tell you how excited I am to post this wedding. This is on the top...Everything about this wedding was simply amazing. Vianni and Jesse both looked amazing, both of their families were so genuine, caring, and welcoming. All of Vianni and Jesse's friends that made the trip down were a blast, got to spend a lot of time with all of them, at the beach, hot tubbing until weee hours of the night, breakfast and dinner, at the wedding, almost all day everyday, we all laughed at the movie one liners, laughed with Ben, and Jason's impersonations "HELLLO, you kinda sound like you're from LONDON!" I had an amazing time for the last 5 days, 4 nights spending time with Vianni and Jesse's closest friends and family.
The Wedding was on Saturday, and I started with some details before I met up with Vianni at the hair salon. I went up to her mom's room, and grabbed the wedding dress to do a couple shots with that and then went and did some details that Vianni had with her at the salon.

I was standing in the salon and I was trying to come up with a ring shot of their wedding and just couldn't find anything to do that kind of said "Puerto Rico" but I was looking around, and I asked Vianni what her favorite color was, and she replied blue. Looked around a few more minutes, and found it. The orchids on her bridesmaids boquets were blue :) check it out.

After hanging with Vianni for a bit, I went over to Jesse's room to hang with the guys for a bit. Then I took Jesse on a quick portrait session before Vianni was ready to go on hers since they weren't seeing eachother before the ceremony.

Both Jesse's mom and Vianni wanted a photograph of her putting Vianni's necklace on before her portrait session.

Almost time for the ceremony. Finished up Vianni's session, and met up with the guys again while Vianni hid so Jesse wouldn't see her until she was walking down the isle with her father Edwardo.

Vianni's father Edwardo is a judge in Puerto Rico, and was actually the one presiding the ceremony for them, which was very special to Vianni for her dad to be a part of the wedding in that way.
The ceremony was at 530PM, so right after as it was getting dark I took them on a quick portriat session before we ran out of light, and went inside to do the posed family portraits before the grand entrance and reception.
The Three Vianni's

Started off right away with the first dance, father-daughter, mother-son dances. Very special moments, and for my blog followers, one of my favorite parts of a wedding.

After the dances and dinner, started with the speeches and again those were a lot of fun, emotional, funny :) The best time to capture emotion.

After the speeches, had a little downtime to do cut the cake and get that served before a big suprise from Vianni's brother Antonio. He hired this group to come in to get the party started. Talk about energy... I have never seen anything like it. It was my first Spanish wedding, and this group was playing up beat, fun music to get the dance going. It was so much fun to see everyone doing the salsa and related dances. What an experience to see Antonio and Vianni doing a little salsa with some attitude.

Time for the boquet and garder toss'

I don't think they could have asked for a better day to get married in beautiful Puerto Rico.
I want to send out a huge thankyou to everyone at their wedding for making it the most memorable day of their lives. I was honored to be a part of it, and capture all their memories with all of you there sharing it with them. I know it meant a lot to them for all of you making the trip down there to share it with them.
Congrats to both Vianni and Jesse's families on your new family editon, and thank you for making me feel welcome at your son and daughter's wedding.
Trash the Dress session will be posted tomorrow, stay tuned.
All of Vianni and Jesse's wedding images will be posted on my website for purchase within three weeks. - Order Images
Thanks for stopping by.