After recieving a full ride to Notre Dame to run track there, she graduated and is now coaching track in North Carolina where her and her fiancee Adam live. I met Adam for the first time on their engagement shoot, and I asked what they did for fun, and I had to laugh outloud after he said "Run." Adam ran the 1/2 mile at Notre Dame, and used to run 60 miles a week...a week..... a week...I don't think I even drive 60 miles in a week sometimes.
We met up a couple weeks ago, the day it was 40 degrees and raining. Imagine that Wisconsin weather after we just got dumped on 20+ inches of snow. Joanna mentioned that she liked black and white, and since it was musky grey out, she wouldnt mind a lot of black and white. It was my first ever ALL black and white. We had a great session in Holmen, and then back out at Joanna's parents house just outside of Holmen. Great to see you Joanna and great to meet you Adam, congrats on your engagement!

Thanks for stopping by.

Great photos!